May – Week 4

Finishing the Race  We all want to finish the race well. That at the end of our lives we would be seen as faithful. Our reward and priorities are not built on the here and now but on the kingdom of heaven before us. The choices we make and the way we would live...

May – Week 3

 Endurance   As we teach our families to finish strong, we must think about endurance. The race we are running is not a short one, but a life of obedience and faithfulness. This is a wonderful opportunity to share some of the ways you have seen God’s...

May – Week 2

The Struggle   Each of us will face difficulties in our lives. It is not a question of if but when. So, we prepare our teens to know that hardship will come, but we do not have to be shaken. As we help guide our teens, we want to encourage them to build a...

May – Week 1

Be Strong  Our strength to finish strong comes from the Lord. This is the most important concept that we want to remind our teens of and allow them to see in our own lives. Strength to stay faithful does not just come from our own willpower or grit. We understand that...

April – Courage Week 4

Courage After a Failure Failure is a reality of life. When trying something difficult for the first time, failure will happen. What we are talking about this week is different than a moral failure or a failure that damages a relationship. This is working hard to make...

April – Courage Week 3

​ Courage with Community None of us live in a social vacuum. We are called to live in unity with other believers. It is so much easier to stand strong in our faith when we are not alone. Your family and you need to be connected to a local church. This week, we want to...