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Contact & Visiting Info

Worship Gatherings

90 Nick A Jack Ln, Flintstone, GA 30725
Sun @ 10:45am | Wed @ 6:00


Mailing Address

90 Nick A Jack Ln, Flintstone, GA 30725 

Phone & Email

(706) 820-1911



As a guest you may have a lot of questions about us, what you should expect while with us, what we might expect of you, and so forth. With that in mind we’ve set up the following FAQ for you. If you have more questions, please feel welcome to send us an email or call us! We also invite you to register with us by filling out a connection card by clicking the button above, especially if you have children who would like to participate in our in-service children’s ministries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What about Kids Ministry?

We love kids at Chatt Valley!  Sunday Mornings, we have age-specific small groups for preschool & elementary-age kids.  We also have nursery care available.  Kids Check-in is located in the foyer between Building 1 & Building 2.

CVK4C (Chatt Valley Kids 4 Christ) is for kids from Pre-K through 5th Grade.  We break up into small groups for games, crafts, worship and Bible study.  CVK4C meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM.  We begin each evening in Building 3.


What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable with. Most of us are in comfortable pants and a button-up shirt (no tie) or a comfortable dress. Many wear jeans! The Lord sees you for who you are, not for what you’re wearing.

Where should I park?

As our guest we’d like to make access to our facilities easy and intuitive. To facilitate this there are designated guest parking spots on the east side of the building (the side opposite of Lookout Mountain) where you can access the building by way of the east door and have immediate access to our Welcome Desk, the Worship Center, and our children’s wing.

Will my children be safe?

We take very seriously the safety of our children. To this effect, we have a sign-in / sign-out policy for all children up through 2nd-grade. Additionally, all children are supervised at all times. For children 3rd-grade and up the parent may request that their child only be released into their custody.  All of our staff and volunteers have been screened and have completed a criminal background check.  Additionally, everyone who works with minors have completed training through MinistrySafe – a nationally recognized organization committed to the safety of children.

How long are your services?

On most Sundays, our services last around 70-75 minutes.

What version of the Bible do you use?

We believe that Bible translation is generally a matter of personal preference as long as the translation is true to the original languages.  As a result, you’ll likely find people using the KJV, NIV, NASB, or CSB.  Generally speaking our pastoral team uses the English Standard Version (ESV) in teaching and preaching.

What does it mean to be Baptist?

See our page detailing What We Believe.

What is membership and why should I become a member?

Membership at Chattanooga Valley Baptist Church grants you access to an entire family of brothers and sisters to lean on for support, as well as those who could use yours. Membership grants you the privilege of having a voice in and the right to vote on Church business (policies and changes that affect the life of the church). Membership also grants you access to becoming a leader at CVBC. For example, you do not need to be a member to be a part of the orchestra or choir, but to lead in any capacity in those groups (including but not limited to performing solos) you must be a member of the church.  For more information on church membership, check out this article.

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